Stress Factors for the Paediatric and Adult Palliative Care Multidisciplinary Team and Workplace Wellbeing Solutions.

Stress Factors for the Paediatric and Adult Palliative Care Multidisciplinary Team and Workplace Wellbeing Solutions.

Publication date: Apr 23, 2024

Palliative care is a challenging specialty, especially when it comes to caring for children with serious life-limiting conditions and supporting their families. Workers face significant challenges and experience major impacts on their wellbeing. We conducted a qualitative study to understand the sources of stress in the palliative care team, their work expectations, and how they can cope with the demands. We used an online questionnaire about the causes of stress, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ways in which support is needed in the workplace. Of the 56 palliative care professionals who participated in the survey, 57. 1% considered the main causes of stress to be high workload, difficult emotional burdens (55. 4%) affecting their outlook on life (61. 2%), the death of patients (46. 4%), and communication with patients’ families (26. 8%). The COVID-19 pandemic increased stress levels for the majority of respondents (89. 3%). The need for specialised training (53. 6%), support groups, psychological counselling and adapted organisational policies was highlighted. The study demonstrates the importance of understanding the needs of both paediatric and adult palliative care staff in order to provide optimal care and support their balance in this demanding area of the healthcare system.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Covid healthcare workers
Pandemic holistic approach
Wellbeing organisational policies
Workplace paediatric palliative care


Type Source Name
disease MESH causes
disease MESH COVID-19 pandemic
disease MESH death
drug DRUGBANK Etoperidone
drug DRUGBANK Isoxaflutole
drug DRUGBANK Diflunisal
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
disease VO organization
disease MESH Burnout
disease VO population
disease MESH aids
disease MESH chronic diseases
disease MESH malignancies
disease MESH central nervous system disorders
disease MESH immunological diseases
disease VO organ
disease MESH aneuploidy
disease MESH defects
disease IDO symptom
disease IDO object
disease IDO process
disease MESH syndrome
disease VO effective
disease MESH Moral injury
disease MESH intellectual disability
disease IDO quality
disease MESH professional stress
disease MESH uncertainty
disease VO protocol
disease MESH psychological distress
disease IDO country
disease VO Pal
disease MESH Emergency
drug DRUGBANK Methionine
drug DRUGBANK Human vaccinia virus immune globulin
disease MESH men 3
disease MESH infection
disease VO report
drug DRUGBANK Ilex paraguariensis leaf
drug DRUGBANK Trestolone
disease VO volume
disease MESH compassion fatigue
disease IDO history
disease VO Algenpantucel-L Vaccine
disease VO Colorectal cancer DNA vaccine pCEA/HBsAg encoding carcinoembryonic antigen and hepatitis B surface antigen
disease VO age
disease VO USA
disease MESH Kidney Failure
disease IDO blood
disease IDO facility
disease MESH complications
drug DRUGBANK Colistin
disease VO Bacteria
disease MESH arc
drug DRUGBANK 3 7 11 15-Tetramethyl-Hexadecan-1-Ol
disease MESH Professional Burnout
disease IDO intervention

Original Article

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