Multi-level tuberculosis of the spine identified by 18 F-FDG-PET/CT and concomitant urogenital tuberculosis: a case report from the spinal TB X cohort.

Publication date: Jun 19, 2024

Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and typically infects the lungs. However, extrapulmonary forms of TB can be found in approximately 20% of cases. It is suggested, that up to 10% of extrapulmonary TB affects the musculoskeletal system, in which spinal elements (spinal tuberculosis, STB) are involved in approximately 50% of the cases. STB is a debilitating disease with nonspecific symptoms and diagnosis is often delayed for months to years. In our Spinal TB X Cohort, we aim to describe the clinical phenotype of STB using whole-body 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography computed tomography (PET/CT) and to identify a specific gene expression profile for the different stages of dissemination on PET/CT. Here we report on the first patient recruited into our cohort who underwent PET/CT before treatment initiation, at 6-months and at 12-months – time of TB treatment completion. A 27-year-old immunocompetent male presented with severe thoracolumbar back pain for 9 months with severe antalgic gait and night sweats. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the whole spine revealed multilevel spinal disease (T5/6, T11/12, L3/4) in keeping with STB. After informed consent and recruitment into the Spinal TB X Cohort, the patient underwent PET/CT as per protocol, which revealed isolated multilevel STB (T4-7, T11/12, L3/4) with no concomitant lung or urogenital lesion. However, sputum and urine were Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra positive and Mtb was cultured from the urine sample. CT-guided biopsy of the T11/12 lesion confirmed drug-sensitive Mtb on Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra and the patient was started on TB treatment according to local guidelines for 12 months. The 6-month follow-up PET/CT revealed new and existing spinal lesions with increased FDG-uptake despite significant improvement of clinical features and laboratory markers. After 9 months of treatment, the patient developed an acute urethral stricture, most likely due to urogenital TB, and a suprapubic catheter was inserted. The 12-month PET/CT showed significantly decreased PET/CT values of all lesions, however, significant persistent spinal inflammation was present at the end of TB treatment. Clinically, the patient was considered cured by the TB control program and currently awaits urethroplasty. In our case, PET/CT emerged as a valuable imaging modality for the initial assessment, surpassing MRI by revealing more comprehensive extensive disease. Subsequent PET/CT scans at 6-month uncovered new lesions and increased inflammation in existing ones, while by the end of TB treatment, all lesions exhibited improvement. However, the interpretation of FDG avidity remains ambiguous, whether it correlates with active infection and viable Mtb. or fibro- and osteoblast activity indicative of the healing process. Additionally, the absence of extraspinal TB lesions on PET/CT despite positive microbiology from sputum and urine maybe explained by paucibacillary, subclinical infection of extraspinal organs. The Spinal TB X Cohort endeavours to shed light on whole-body imaging patterns at diagnosis, their evolution midway through TB treatment, and upon treatment completion. Ultimately, this study aims to advance our understanding of the biology of this complex disease.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Extensive 18F-FDG-PET/CT
Month Infection
Mycobacterium Pott’s disease
Tuberculosis Spine
Tuberculous spondylodiscitis


Type Source Name
disease MESH tuberculosis
pathway KEGG Tuberculosis
drug DRUGBANK Fludeoxyglucose F-18
disease MESH urogenital tuberculosis
disease MESH spinal tuberculosis
drug DRUGBANK Steviolbioside
disease MESH back pain
disease MESH gait
disease MESH spinal disease
disease MESH urethral stricture
disease MESH inflammation
disease MESH infection
disease MESH subclinical infection
disease MESH Spondylodiscitis
disease MESH death
drug DRUGBANK Tretamine
disease MESH spondylitis
disease MESH urinary incontinence
disease MESH pulmonary disease
drug DRUGBANK Gold
disease MESH weight loss
disease MESH psoas abscess
drug DRUGBANK Medium-chain triglycerides
disease MESH bursitis
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
drug DRUGBANK Rifampicin
drug DRUGBANK Isoniazid
drug DRUGBANK Pyrazinamide
drug DRUGBANK Ethambutol
disease MESH urinary retention
disease MESH Cauda equina syndrome
disease MESH urinary tract infection
drug DRUGBANK Trestolone
disease MESH lifestyle
drug DRUGBANK Creatinine
drug DRUGBANK L-Alanine
pathway REACTOME Glycolysis
disease MESH deformity
disease MESH meningitis
disease MESH immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome
disease MESH pneumothorax
disease MESH immobilization
drug DRUGBANK Esomeprazole
drug DRUGBANK L-Phenylalanine
disease MESH granuloma
disease MESH abscesses
disease MESH malignancy
drug DRUGBANK Medical air
disease MESH lymphangitis
disease MESH co infection
disease MESH tuberculous meningitis
drug DRUGBANK Prednisone
disease MESH Central nervous system disorders
disease MESH Aids
drug DRUGBANK Indoleacetic acid
disease MESH osteomyelitis
disease MESH complications
disease MESH Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis
disease MESH Pulmonary tuberculosis
disease MESH otitis media
disease MESH metastasis
drug DRUGBANK Dextrose unspecified form
disease MESH residual tumor
disease MESH Infectious Diseases

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