Mast cells promote pathology and susceptibility in tuberculosis

Mast cells promote pathology and susceptibility in tuberculosis

Publication date: Oct 15, 2024

We found that similar to human healthy lungs, MC T s accumulated in the lungs of healthy macaques. Additionally, mast cells (MCs) were increased in the lungs of macaques with PTB (Esaulova et al. , 2021). Chymase positive mast cells are predominant in TB infected human and macaque lung tissue. Lung biopsies from healthy individuals (n = 4) or patients with PTB (n = 5) were stained for tryptase MC T (green) or chymase MC C (red). To identify marker genes for mast cells, we used FindAllMarkers to compare cluster against all other clusters, and FindMarkers to compare selected clusters. (B) Predominance of MC TS in healthy lungs transitioning to MC TCS in early granuloma and becoming MC CS in late granulomas in TB infected lungs. In contrast, chymase rich MCs (MC C s) producing TGF- were detected in proximity to mature granulomas in lung biopsies from PTB (Garcia-Rodriguez et al. , 2021).

Concepts Keywords
Biosciences Al
Mexico Chymase
Treestar Clone
Tuberculosis Figure


Type Source Name
pathway KEGG Tuberculosis
disease MESH tuberculosis
disease IDO susceptibility
disease IDO bacteria
disease MESH infection
disease IDO cell
drug DRUGBANK Cycloserine
drug DRUGBANK Histamine
disease MESH inflammation
pathway REACTOME Release
disease MESH granulomas
disease IDO production
drug DRUGBANK Cholesterol
pathway KEGG Oxidative phosphorylation
drug DRUGBANK Myricetin
disease MESH lung inflammation
disease IDO role
disease MESH Respiratory Diseases
disease IDO facility
drug DRUGBANK Polysorbate 80
disease IDO colony
drug DRUGBANK Oleic Acid
drug DRUGBANK Dextrose unspecified form
drug DRUGBANK Heparin
drug DRUGBANK Collagenase clostridium histolyticum
drug DRUGBANK Streptomycin
drug DRUGBANK Formaldehyde
drug DRUGBANK Hyaluronic acid
drug DRUGBANK Pidolic Acid
drug DRUGBANK Methionine
disease IDO protein
pathway REACTOME Autophagy
pathway REACTOME Pyroptosis
pathway REACTOME TNF signaling

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