Developing a prototype for federated analysis to enhance privacy and enable trustworthy access to COVID-19 research data.

Publication date: Nov 20, 2024

The use of federated networks can reduce the risk of disclosure for sensitive datasets by removing the requirement to physically transfer data. Federated networks support federated analytics, a type of privacy-enhancing technology, enabling trustworthy data analysis without the movement of source data. To set out the methodology used by the International COVID-19 Data Alliance (ICODA) and its partners, the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage (SAIL) Databank and Aridhia Informatics in piloting a federated network infrastructure and consequently testing federated analytics using test data provided from an ICODA project, the International Perinatal Outcome in the Pandemic (iPOP) Study. To share the challenges and benefits of using a federated network infrastructure to enable trustworthy analysis of health-related data from multiple countries and sources. This project successfully developed a federated network between the SAIL Databank and the ICODA Workbench and piloted the use of federated analysis using aggregate-level model outputs as test data from the iPOP Study, a one-year, multi-country COVID-19 research project. This integration is a first step in implementing the necessary technical, governance and user experiences for future research studies to build upon, including those using individual-level datasets from multiple data nodes. Creating federated networks requires extensive investment from a data governance, technology, training, resources, timing and funding perspective. For future initiatives, the establishment of a federated network should be built into medium to long term plans to provide researchers with a secure and robust data analysis platform to perform joint multi-site collaboration. Federated networks can unlock the enormous potential of national and international health datasets through enabling collaborative research that addresses critical public health challenges, whilst maintaining privacy and trustworthiness by preventing direct access to the source data.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Future COVID-19
Informatics Data Re-use
Pandemic Federated Analytics
Perform Federated Networks
Sail Health Data Research
Secondary Data


Type Source Name
disease MESH privacy
disease MESH COVID-19
disease IDO country
disease IDO site
disease MESH Infection
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
disease IDO quality
disease MESH preterm births
drug DRUGBANK Spinosad
drug DRUGBANK Etoperidone
disease IDO process
disease MESH stillbirth
disease IDO facility
drug DRUGBANK Alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor
disease IDO intervention
drug DRUGBANK Flunarizine
disease MESH Autism
pathway REACTOME Release
drug DRUGBANK Dichloroacetic Acid
pathway REACTOME Translation
drug DRUGBANK Trestolone
disease IDO host
drug DRUGBANK Efavirenz
drug DRUGBANK Isoxaflutole
disease MESH Chronic Disease
disease MESH Dementias
disease MESH emerging infectious diseases
drug DRUGBANK Medroxyprogesterone acetate

Original Article

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