Increased Rates of Infectious Diseases in Fibromyalgia Patients: A Population-Based Case-Control Study.

Increased Rates of Infectious Diseases in Fibromyalgia Patients: A Population-Based Case-Control Study.

Publication date: Dec 12, 2024

Introduction: Fibromyalgia (FM) patients are known to have medical comorbidities. This study characterized the rates of infectious diseases in FM patients compared to the general population. Methods: A nationwide population-based case-control study was conducted, including all patients diagnosed with FM by a rheumatologist compared to a matched 5:1 control group within a large health maintenance organization in Israel (January 2002 to December 2023). Demographic, anthropometric, and health habit data were extracted from medical records as well as the ICD-9 codes of diagnoses related to infectious diseases in 9232 FM patients and 46,160 controls. Infection rates in the FM patients were compared to the controls over a mean follow-up of 6. 7 years. Results: The FM patients had a significantly higher incidence of viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases compared to the controls. The FM patients had significantly higher odds ratios (ORs) for respiratory/sinopulmonary infections, including upper respiratory tract infections (OR = 1. 49), influenza (OR = 1. 80), tonsillitis (OR = 1. 40), sinusitis (OR = 1. 98), otitis media (OR = 1. 84), otitis externa (OR = 1. 48), and pneumonia (OR = 1. 60), all p < 0. 01. They also experienced more gastrointestinal infections, including gastroenteritis (OR = 1. 40), Helicobacter pylori (OR = 2. 05), candidal esophagitis (OR = 7. 88), and giardiasis (OR = 3. 41), all p < 0. 01. They had a higher prevalence of genitourinary infections, including urinary tract infections (OR = 1. 79) and pelvic inflammatory disease (OR = 3. 17), p < 0. 01 as well as skin infections such as abscess (OR = 1. 74) and cellulitis (OR = 1. 64) and systemic infections such as symptomatic COVID-19 (OR = 1. 76) and Cytomegalovirus (CMV) (OR = 1. 85), all p < 0. 01. Conclusions: The FM patients had a significantly higher incidence of infectious diseases than the general population. Further research is needed to better understand the underlying mechanisms and develop targeted interventions to address infection risks in FM patients.

Open Access PDF

Concepts Keywords
Cytomegalovirus epidemiology
December fibromyalgia
Increased immune system disease
Influenza infections


Type Source Name
disease MESH Infectious Diseases
disease MESH Fibromyalgia
disease MESH Infection
disease MESH parasitic diseases
disease MESH upper respiratory tract infections
disease MESH influenza
disease MESH tonsillitis
disease MESH sinusitis
disease MESH otitis media
disease MESH otitis externa
disease MESH pneumonia
disease MESH gastroenteritis
disease MESH esophagitis
disease MESH giardiasis
disease MESH urinary tract infections
disease MESH pelvic inflammatory disease
disease MESH abscess
disease MESH cellulitis
disease MESH COVID-19
drug DRUGBANK Tropicamide
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
disease MESH immune system disease
disease MESH chronic condition
disease MESH musculoskeletal pain
disease IDO symptom
disease MESH cognitive impairment
disease MESH mood disorders
disease MESH etiology
disease IDO blood
disease MESH hypersensitivity
disease MESH Neuroinflammation
disease MESH septicemia
disease MESH periodontal abscess
drug DRUGBANK L-Leucine
drug DRUGBANK Aspartame
disease MESH temporomandibular joint disorder
disease MESH chronic fatigue syndrome
disease MESH depression
disease MESH anxiety

Original Article

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