COVID-19 pandemic and changes in urban-rural inequalities of suicide in the Province of Buenos Aires-Argentina, 2017-2021

Publication date: Jan 12, 2025

Introduction: Our objective was to analyze the urban-rural inequalities of suicide between the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods in the Province of Buenos Aires (PBA), during 2017-2021. Methods: Data regarding sex, age and municipality of occurrence of suicides were used, provided by the Ministry of Health (MSAL) of the PBA and the National Criminal Information System (SNIC). Municipalities were divided into four urbanization categories according to their population density. Annual variations in suicide were analyzed and through two periods: pre-pandemic (2017-2019) and pandemic (2020-2021). Negative binomial regressions were calculated to estimate suicide inequalities between urbanization categories. Results: Men, people 60+ years old, residents of municipalities with high social fragmentation, and with low levels of poverty presented a higher risk of suicide. The year 2020 recorded the lowest risk of suicide. The most urbanized municipalities had a lower risk of suicide compared to the most rural municipalities. With data from the MSAL, these inequalities were similar comparing between the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods. The SNIC data showed some differences possibly attributable to under-reporting of suicides in 2020. Conclusion: Analysis of both data sources suggest that the social and economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic did not lead to an increase in urban-rural suicide gaps.


Concepts Keywords
Ecuador Compared
Homeowners Msal
Homicide Municipalities
Pba Pandemic


Type Source Name
disease MESH COVID-19 pandemic
disease MESH suicide
drug DRUGBANK Phenylbutyric acid
disease MESH data sources
disease MESH violence
disease MESH premature death
drug DRUGBANK Coenzyme M
disease MESH domestic violence
disease MESH uncertainty
drug DRUGBANK Flunarizine
disease MESH death
disease IDO quality
drug DRUGBANK Filgrastim

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