Nanoparticle-based wireless deep brain stimulation system found to reverse Parkinson’s disease

Nanoparticle-based wireless deep brain stimulation system found to reverse Parkinson’s disease

Publication date: Jan 18, 2025

Using an α-syn fibril-induced PD model, the researchers attempted to restore the degenerated dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra of the midbrain through use of the wireless DBS nanosystem. After stereotactic injection of ATB NPs into the substantia nigra of PD mice, the nanoparticles anchored to the surface of dopaminergic neurons via the TRPV1 antibody. Subsequently developed non-invasive techniques such as transcranial direct current stimulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation can enhance cortical excitability but are limited by insufficient penetration depth and spatial resolution. Ultimately, the ATB NPs restored the interactive network of dopaminergic neurons and their dopamine release capacity, improving motor function in PD mice. Meanwhile, they released β-syn peptides, which, through the activation of chaperone-mediated autophagy pathways, cleared α-syn aggregates, reducing pathological fibrils. Although DBS enhances the efficiency of neuronal regulation, its invasive nature can lead to cognitive decline and emotional disturbances such as depression and anxiety. Therefore, to develop non-invasive DBS technologies that combine high spatial resolution with strong penetration capabilities is crucial.

Concepts Keywords
Mice Brain
Nanoscience Dbs
Neurodegenerative Dopaminergic
Nigra Fibrils
Wireless Invasive


Type Source Name
disease MESH anxiety
disease MESH depression
disease MESH emotional disturbances
disease MESH cognitive decline
disease MESH death
disease MESH neurodegenerative disorder
disease MESH Parkinson’s disease
drug DRUGBANK Gold
drug DRUGBANK Dopamine
pathway REACTOME Release

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