Publication date: Jan 17, 2025
To analyze the clinical and biological characteristics and to evaluate the risk factors associated with the mortality of patients with COVID-19 in Commune IV of the District of Bamako. The cohort consisted of COVID-19 patients managed from March 2020 to June 2022 at the Bamako Dermatology Hospital and the Pasteur Polyclinic in Commune IV in Bamako. The studied variables were sociodemographic, clinical, and biological. For the analysis of deaths, explanatory variables were grouped into sociodemographic factors, comorbidities and symptoms. Binomial logistic regression models were used to identify mortality associated risk factors. Among the 1319 included patients, 38. 4% were asymptomatic, 46% and 15. 5% developed moderate or severe COVID-19 respectively. The predominant signs were cough (48. 5%), respiratory difficulty (24. 6%) and headache (19. 7%). Male were more common (58. 2%). High blood pressure (19. 9%) and diabetes (10%) were the main comorbidities. D-dimers 60 years, high blood pressure, diabetes, clinical severity, D-dimers 60 years, increased heart rate, disease severity level and mainly acute respiratory distress syndrome (polypnea, difficulty breathing) were the factors found associated with death. After adjusting for all the assessed factors, age