Publication date: Jan 18, 2025
A cross-sectional study was conducted investigating the association between exposure to financial, political, academic and social stressors, and symptoms of depression, anxiety and burnout among university students in Lebanon. Lebanon is a developing country experiencing a financial crisis and sociopolitical turmoil with poorly characterized impacts on the mental health of residents. To assess burnout and symptoms of depression, anxiety, a condensed version of the Malach-Pines Burnout Measure and the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4) were used, respectively. Out of 240 respondents, 52. 3% experienced burnout, 29. 3% experienced high/very high burnout, and 54. 2% reported symptoms of depression, anxiety. Women had poorer mental health outcomes. The strongest associations were between little sleep and burnout (aOR = 6. 78, p
Open Access PDF
Type | Source | Name |
disease | MESH | depression |
disease | MESH | anxiety |
disease | MESH | burnout |
disease | IDO | country |
pathway | REACTOME | Reproduction |
disease | MESH | unemployment |
drug | DRUGBANK | Coenzyme M |
disease | MESH | PTSD |
disease | MESH | COVID 19 pandemic |
disease | MESH | Uncertainty |
disease | IDO | history |
disease | MESH | major depressive disorder |
disease | IDO | process |
disease | MESH | marital status |
disease | MESH | lifestyle |
drug | DRUGBANK | Caffeine |
drug | DRUGBANK | Nicotine |
drug | DRUGBANK | Ethanol |
disease | MESH | General Anxiety Disorder |
disease | MESH | suicidal ideation |
disease | MESH | causality |
disease | MESH | insomnia |
drug | DRUGBANK | Etoperidone |
disease | MESH | Burnout Professional |
disease | MESH | Stress Psychological |